• Anxiety relief

    Anxiety relief

    All 7 billion human beings on this planet are different, but there is one thing…

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  • Emotional Stability

    Emotional Stability

    Yoga tradition’s ancient texts describe how regular experience of “transcending”…

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  • Insomnia relief

    Insomnia relief

    Insomnia can be relieved by the healing effect activated by TM…

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  • Being Yourself

    Being Yourself

    Being yourself is the same as transcending. When the mind transcends the finest…

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  • Stress relief

    Stress relief

    Imagine stress as having a backpack full of stones that you have to carry around…

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  • Very Easy to Learn

    Very Easy to Learn

    Transcendental Meditation is easy. Anyone can learn the technique…

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Duplex 185, Val Doyen 2, Avenue Booker Washington, Cocody, BP 1717 Abidjan



Duplex 185, Val Doyen 2, Avenue Booker Washington, Cocody, BP 1717 Abidjan